Accessibility & facilities
Main door has a ramp for wheelchair access, with push button opening.
Wheelchair spaces are available in front of the tiered seating.
Disabled toilet is provided off the main hall.
There is a high quality infrared system for the hearing impaired.
There are 2 Blue Badge parking spaces outside.
Toilets are situated either side of entrance foyer.
Hangers for coats are provided in the foyer.
There is tiered seat seating for 180, and a bar with beer, wine, hot drinks and snacks on sale before the show.
The Film Society is managed on behalf of its members by a committee of volunteers who are elected annually.
The committee members for the coming season are: Walter Eglington (Treasurer), Cirel Greenwell, Pam Hyde (Chair), Chris Jennison, Rob Lay, Lesley Lay, John Molyneaux.
The film shows are presented by a team of volunteers who help with the bar, hall set-up and projection. Between shows we are also involved in publicity, fund-raising and film preparation.
If you would like to join the team you'll receive a very warm welcome - so why not talk to one of the committee after the show? Alternatively, get in touch by email.