Accessibility & facilities

Main door has a ramp for wheelchair access, with push button opening.

Wheelchair spaces are available in front of the tiered seating.

Disabled toilet is provided off the main hall.

There is a high quality infrared system for the hearing impaired.

There are 2 Blue Badge parking spaces outside.

Toilets are situated either side of entrance foyer.

Hangers for coats are provided in the foyer.

There is tiered seat seating for 180, and a bar with beer, wine, hot drinks and snacks on sale before the show.


The Film Society is managed on behalf of its members by a committee of volunteers who are elected annually.

The committee members for the coming season are: Walter Eglington (Treasurer), Cirel Greenwell, Pam Hyde (Chair), Chris Jennison, Rob Lay, Lesley Lay, John Molyneaux.

The film shows are presented by a team of volunteers who help with the bar, hall set-up and projection. Between shows we are also involved in publicity, fund-raising and film preparation. 

If you would like to join the team you'll receive a very warm welcome - so why not talk to one of the committee after the show? Alternatively, get in touch by email.

Please note that while repairs are carried out at St Margaret’s Hall, films will be screened in the Lecture Theatre at St Laurence School, BA15 1DZ for the remainder of this season.

Please use the school car park, accessed from Ashley Road, not the Wiltshire Music Centre Car Park, then go to to the main entrance/reception area.